Yorkie's Primitives Handmade Goods

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Flower Time in Tenn.

Well I love flowers and so when I found this idea on Lucy's Lazy Dayz Primitives Blog, I was so excited.

She had a flower planted in an old chair and ding-dong the lights went on!LOL
I found about 12 old chairs at a rummage sale for $2.00 ea. and grabbed them a couple of years ago. And my mil had bought me a dishpan that I used for cooking corn every summer about 35 yrs ago. Well it got a leak last year and I couln't use it again. Started to throw it away and boy am I glad I didn't!
So after visiting Lucy's blog, I dug out one of my chairs, pierced holes in the bottom of the washtub and broken pottery pieces in for drainage and then filled with dirt. Went to Wal Mart last night and bought flowers and just planted them today. Is this not georgeous! I may paint the chair and chip it off but I couln't wait to see what it looked like so that will be another day. (I have never been a patient person)LOL. The tub is a little big but the dirt makes it heavy enough to be steady and that's all that counts. Think I'll hang a birdhouse on the back?
If you get a chance visit Lucy's blog. It really has some interesting things on it. Until next time...


Stitchesnstrokes said...

That is really cute, Yorkie! Perfect for the porch, so prim and springy! Again, LOVE it! :)

Sage said...

Really cool idea..and Yorkie..I think the birdhouse on the back would look FAB!!

yorkie's primitives said...

Thanks girls, and I am hunting the perfect birdhouse.