I have attended graduation services for many, many years.LOL Every one of them being the same. First, the National Anthem is sung, then the Valedictorian is introduced and he or she leads everyone in prayer and gives his or her speech. Next the adults give their speech and then the diplomas are handed out. I know this is a long drawn out process but it's tradional.
Well not today. We went to watch two of our grandsons granduate and it started with the speaker. So I thought maybe they were doing it different. So I waited. Then they gave credit to the the students that received scholarships. I waited. And then they handed out the diplomas and I'm still waiting! Well that was it. No Valedictorian speech, no singing of the National Anthem and no prayer. I was flabbergasted!!!
I realize that there is a huge controversy over having public prayer which I think is ridiculous!!!
But there is a loophole in there that they have been using for the last several years. An adult cannot lead in public prayer but if a student does, there is nothing anyone can do about it. And that is what the Valedictorian has done so that prayer could be conducted. But as far as I know, there is no law concerning the National Anthem. They still sing it at ballgames and other places. But they didn't sing it at this graduation service.
Well my disbelief soon turned into pure RAGE. Our country is in such turmoil right now that we have got to stand together. We have men, women, young men and young women fighting right now so that we can be free, plus all the men and women who have died over the last 100 years for the same reason and you are telling me that we can't show our respect and loyalty to these people by singing the National Anthem! This is a disgrace!! We are told on one hand to honor and support our troops and then our hands are tied behind our back as to what we can do all in the name of politcal correctness. Well I am over it. We need to stand together as a nation and those who are not comfortable with what our nation was built on need to go live somewhere that does not have this custom .
And then you have the subject of public prayer. I am a Christian but I personally do not believe in shoving religion down others throats. I believe God can touch that person better the we can by being holier than thou. But once again, this country was founded on freedom of religion and "ONE NATION UNDER GOD"!!!!! Well it's time we give God the glory for what this nation was when it was founded. Do all the people in the government not have the intelligence to look at the history of this nation and realize that when we did freely honor God for what we had, we had everything. We were considered the strongest nation in the world. And then they took God out of the schools and look at our schools now. It's not safe to send your children there anymore. You have to worry every day if they are going to come home safe or if they are going to be gunned down.
Then they took God out of the government because it was not politically correct. And then we had 9-11. We have had terrorists attack us from every boundary. And each time some tragedy happens, they want us to pray for God's help. Well how can God help us if we have taken him out of this country? Jesus said that if we are ashamed of Him, then He will be ashamed of us.
We need to stand together and get God back in our country. We need to stand tall and proud when they sing the National Anthem. We need to honor and support all the soldiers, dead and alive, who have risked their lives and left their loved ones so that we can have this freedom. And those that do not want to stand behind our nation's beliefs need to go back where they came from. They came here because this was the land of the free and now they are taking our freedom away from us.
I know by now that you can tell just how upset I am over this and I am not trying to offend anyone but I am proud that I am a Christian. And I am even more honored that we have men and women who are willing to fight to give me the freedom to have that choice. And I refuse to let this freedom go without a fight.
We need to get off our duffs and write our congressmen and senators and the President of the U.S. and let them know that enough is enough!!!!! How can we teach our children to be proud of our country if we are too ashamed of it to sing the National Anthem at their graduation? And how can we teach them to pray when this country needs help when we have taught them that it is wrong to pray? God help us through this because I don't know anyone else who can.
Halpata Tastanaki Preserve in the Van Camper
5 days ago
Very nicely said. I totally agree
amen!i totally agree with you so many people now a days are afraid to speak of our lord for fear of offending someone,which is a shame if you ask me i am proud to be a christian and try with all my might to instill in my children to have good morals and ethics and all the blessings that the lord has given us and not to be ashamed to praise afterall its our salvation and the only thing we really can do is live a good life and count our blessings .i will make sure to pass that little loophole of children leading prayer.thats awesome god will always find a way for us.god bless you michelle
amen!i totally agree with you so many people now a days are afraid to speak of our lord for fear of offending someone,which is a shame if you ask me i am proud to be a christian and try with all my might to instill in my children to have good morals and ethics and all the blessings that the lord has given us and not to be ashamed to praise afterall its our salvation and the only thing we really can do is live a good life and count our blessings .i will make sure to pass that little loophole of children leading prayer.thats awesome god will always find a way for us.god bless you michelle
I am in complete agreement with you! What hope is there when God is being removed from so many aspects of our lives? I am going to call our high school and ask what their intentions are for the graduation. I'm not attending this year but my son is now a sophomore so I want to see how this will go. I say if they want to keep God out WE INVITE HIM IN! We can pray together and ask for His presence wherever we go.
If our friends and neighbors are going to be too politically correct... or our elected leaders are too ashamed to mention the Lord then we need to pray for those people as well.
Thanks for the wonderful blog post Val!! It's reassuring and I hope you have a blessed week ahead!!! ♥
Hugs, Dawn
It's the same up here, Valerie. Horrid. They don't want to do anything Christian in schools at Christmas..Happy Holidays has replaced Merry Christmas! Easter too. No prayer anywhere, haven't been to a graduation in years so don't know about that one. The entire world seems to be heading to Hell in a handbasket...I just shake my head daily. Good for you and your post, I hope that it reaches a lot of people.
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