Well I am late posting but I have been under the weather due to allergies. But I went rummaging Saturday and was very proud of my findings. Look what I got for $7.00
I especially love the old box. Can't wait to prim it up and get prim labels from Yankee Primitives to decide which one to put on this old box. I also have to decide what I want in it.
It was $1.00
The jars were a dollar a piece except for one and it was 2.oo. the wood balls were 50 cents and the two brass containers were 50 cents apiece. I could not believe I got such a good bargain.
Good haul there girl! yard sales, garage sales, thrift stores..SOO much fun!
Whoa, Yorkie, good day there for yard sales! Can't wait to see those wooden boxes primmed up! :)
I am going to finish it this weekend. Can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm thinking pears. What do you think?
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